Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ppl need to start from somewhere

I have never been a great fan of blogging though i have read many blogs but have always failed to understand them(no offenses).I always prefer to write about the real facts of life rather than painting a rosy picture for people who read them.

I have always been inspired by people who play sports and these guys have never failed to capture my imagination/emotions.I admit that i have had my eyes full many times seeing the kind of mental strength these ppl acquire not to under-estimate their physical prowess.But physical damage is mighty sustainable not always the mental strain.I promise not many fancy words in this blog, not the usual drama of a blog but some true life heroes who have been our contemporaries and we have been the priviliged few to witness them at the peak of their careers.

I dedicate my blog to these sporting legends who have given me unimaginable pleasure in understanding what this human body is capable of and to all the readers of this blog for whom i will write henceforth.

I would also like to dedicate this blog to my childhood hero(Also a hero for me now) to Indian Maestro Sachin Tendulkar who is the real reason for me being a sports fanatic.It is because of him i turned to cricket and now a plethora of other sports that i watch.

I always used to hear this saying at home(especially from my mom and sister) that when i get TV remote in my hand there is a LIVE game(any damn sport) going on.Little did they know that i took the remote in my hand only when there is a LIVE game going on and that is the sort of person i am,I used to rarely watch movies a few years back(not true now though) until i had my friends forcing me to watch ones.I rarely hear to songs on any of the devices i have but i would go out of my way to see the Dead rubber between two English football Clubs or any other competitive game .This is what i am and what i always will be a, true sports fanatic

I Hope this is just the stepping stone for greater things to write and compose.I hope to inspire a few of you readers by my post as i have never failed to get inspired

Your comments good/bad destructive/constructive are always welcome